free masterclass

5-Step-Strategy to build out a team on steroids for more business growth!

A step-by-step mini training for business owners that are working with a team, OR will start working with a team, who want to further scale their business from a place of ease, TIME, and headspace, by creating a self-managing team in the most efficient way.



5-Step-Strategy to build out a team on steroids for more business growth!

A step-by-step mini training for business owners that are working with a team, OR will start working with a team, who want to further scale their business from a place of ease, TIME, and headspace, by creating a self-managing team in the most efficient way.

In this masterclass...


what others say ...

“In the blink of an eye I grew my business from being a one-woman show, to working with a complete team. Super exciting of course! And at the same time quite stressful too. Because: how am I going to stay on top of the helicopter view? And how do I ensure that my team and I work together in an efficient and clear way? The first 2 months were very intense: I tried everything to apply focus and structure, while at the same time I felt completely overrun by the success of my own biz. 

Working together with Danniek resulted in a lot of new insights and an immediate feeling of inner-peace. Danniek translated everything in my head into an amazing strong system in which all tasks, timelines and responsibilities are being set-out very clearly. So, now every team member knows exactly what is expected from them and when. I would recommend working with Danniek to anyone who feels stuck in her/ his business!”

“I know exactly what the next-level of my business looks like, but there’s a lot of work to be done to realize it. My creative brain goes crazy when thinking of planning and deadlines. That’s why I couldn’t always see the wood for the trees anymore. By sharing all my plans and ideas with Danniek, knowing she would help me to structure them in a strong system that works for me and my business, I immediately got more head-space.

The overview and structure of all my plans and projects is very valuable in working together with my VA. The fact that everything that only existed in my own head before, is now structured in a tool, results in being able to share clear process descriptions with my team. I would definitely recommend working with Danniek to entrepreneurs that know where they want to go and what they need to do, and would like to structure this all and plot it against time!”

byDO Coaching
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